Messages & Audio Teachings

Coming up in Worship
The Season of Lent is a special time of year for many churchgoers, and Lent is celebrated in various ways. For many,...

Life groups questions & notes
Moses replied, "When I go to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your ancestors sent me to you,' they will ask...

Not yet! I believe I Am
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." This famous line from...

Life groups questions & notes
The Lord said to Abram, "Leave your country, your relatives, and your father's home, and go to a land that I am going...

How? Belief is a relationship
According to Dr. Robin Dunbar, a professor of evolutionary psychology at Oxford University, I am fast approaching the...

Life groups questions & notes
The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your country, your relatives, and your father's home, and go to a land that I am going...

Choices: Trusting God
Google the expression “How to make good decisions?” and you’ll find a long list of articles offering three to...

Life groups questions & notes
God puts people right through their faith in Jesus Christ. God does this to all who believe in Christ, because there...

I have questions too: Are we there yet?
The questions are familiar, and some variation may be one of the first sentences we learn to form when we grow up...