Pastor Tommy

Life group questions & notes

Life group questions & notes

The twelve disciples travelled with Jesus, as did some women who had been healed of evil spirits and diseases, including Mary (who was called Magdalene), from whom seven demons had been driven out. Luke 8:1-3 Questions for Life Groups Read Luke 8:1-3. Describe what...

Mary: Jesus follower

Mary: Jesus follower

We begin our new series, Friends, as a precursor to our next series, which will examine the people and systems that chose to become enemies of Jesus. In doing so, we cannot help but notice the contrast as we consider current circumstances. Our companion devotional...

Life group questions & notes

Life group questions & notes

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; they will fly up on wings like eagles; they will run and not be tired; they will walk and not be weary. Isaiah 40:31 Questions for Life Groups Read Isaiah 40:31 and Romans 12:2. What does the text from Isaiah mean...

Pastor’s Book Club News

Pastor’s Book Club News

We began 2025 with a worship series titled Seconds. Our last episode is on Sunday, January 26. As our companion book, we used The Price of a Second by Dr. Leonid Altshuler, a board-certified psychiatrist and writer, who writes under the pen name Leonid Alt. Our focus...

Coming up in Worship

Coming up in Worship

During this year’s Lent observance, we, along with several other area UM Churches, are participating in a series titled Who Dunnit? The people who wanted Jesus dead (see article). The series begins after Ash Wednesday on Sunday, March 9. So, in preparation, our...

Life group questions & notes

Life group questions & notes

When Jesus returned from the Jordan River, He was filled with the Holy Spirit and was led into the wilderness, where the devil tempted him. Luke 4:1-13 Questions for Life Groups Read Luke 4:1-13. What experiences of temptation are most difficult for you to ignore? How...

Tempted: Convenient opportunities

Tempted: Convenient opportunities

Thousands, if not millions, of us are wondering and worried about how the recent executive orders signed by the president will affect us or someone we care about. After pardoning or commuting sentences for those who stormed the Capital and interrupted the...

Life group questions & notes

Life group questions & notes

Everyone else serves the best wine first, and after the guests have drunk a lot, he serves the ordinary wine. But you have kept the best wine until now! John 2:1-11 Questions for Life Groups Read John 2:1-11. What are some of the possible symbolisms in this story?...

Abundance: Finding happiness

Abundance: Finding happiness

Wedding feast at Asbury Church The fires in Los Angeles, California, are a blunt reminder of the damage we’ve done to our planet over the past century. Our planet recorded the warmest year in history in 2024, and Southern California’s drought that began several months...

Life group questions & notes

Life group questions & notes

Jesus was baptized, too. And as He was praying, the Holy Spirit descended on Him, and a voice from heaven said, “You are my Son, and I am pleased with.” Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 Questions for Life Groups Read Luke 3:15-17, 21-22. Have you been baptized? If not, what are...

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.