Messages & Audio Teachings
Memories: The lies of assimilation
"That's not how we do things here," the man says quietly to his wife, while loud enough for the people around them to...
A love story1: Pride and prejudice
Relics of St. Valentine of Terni at the basilica of Saint Mary in Cosmedin…by Dnalor_01 , Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA...
Pastor’s Book Club News: Be the Bridge
We finished our study of the book and videos by Melissa Spoelstra, Jeremiah: Daring to Hope in an Unstable World. This...
Exceptions: Consequences are not rejection
As we come to the end of our series, Daring to hope in an unstable world, it's fitting to turn our attention to the...
Bridges: Coming February 17
The image should be familiar. It’s the same one from our January series, Daring to Hope in an unstable world. The...
Rocks and hard places: Exile and the blame game1
"You made me mess up!" the four-year-old says to her sister as the blocks she carefully placed into a work of art...
Leftovers: Vaccines for the heart
According to an article provided by the Cleveland Clinic on their website, tears are an essential part of a healthy...
Tight: As close as underwear
As we continue our study of the Book of Jeremiah, this week's lesson challenges us with a couple of powerful metaphors...
First: Letting go of fakes
So far, 2021 seems to be a continuation of last year. While this may ordinarily be the case, it is not what I hoped...