Messages & Audio Teachings

Life group questions & notes
When Herod realized that the visitors from the East had tricked him, he was furious. Matthew 2:16-18 Questions for...

The King: Who Dunnit?
Tobi Raji and Michael E. Ruane reported in a Washington Post article that background information on black, Hispanic,...

Life group questions & notes
Jesus said to them, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to kill?” But they were...

The Religious Folk: Who Dunnit?
The gospels are filled with stories in which Jesus faces off with the Pharisees. They are his most consistent foils,...

Pastor’s Book Club News
For our Who Dunnit? series, we’ll use The Friends and Foes of Jesus for a companion book by Dr. Peter DeHaan. In this...

Life group questions & notes
The chief priests and the teachers of the Law were afraid of the people, and so they were trying to find a way of...

The Clergy: Who Dunnit?
“Why did Jesus have to die?” There are a few scripted answers to this question, a plethora of theological...

Coming up in Worship
During this year’s Lent observance, we, along with several other area UM Churches, are participating in a series...

Life group questions & notes
The water I will give them will become a spring, giving them life-giving water and eternal life. John 4:3-29, 39-42...