Messages & Audio Teachings
Life group questions & notes
Jesus was baptized, too. And as He was praying, the Holy Spirit descended on Him, and a voice from heaven said, “You...
Spirit: Baptism
Google the word spirit, and you’ll be treated to a plethora of opportunities to explore the airline with this word in...
Life group questions & notes
The visitors returned by another road after God warned them in a dream not to return to Herod. After the visitors...
Dreams: Every second
According to Psychology Today, dreams have a purpose, but the purpose of dreams is not necessarily messages about...
Coming up in Worship
What is the purpose of worship? Have you ever considered this question? I’m sure many of us have at times. Many of us...
Life group questions & notes
But why did you need to search?” asked Jesus. “Didn’t you realize that I would be in my Father’s House?” But His...
Missing: Growing up
This past week, I spent a few hours at the Henry Ford Museum with three of my grandchildren and their parents. The...
Pastor’s Book Club News
We finish our current worship series, Connected, on Sunday, December 29. As our companion book, we used a daily...
Life group questions & notes
The Word was in the world, and though God made the world through Him, yet the world did not recognize Him. John 1:9-13...