Pastor’s Book Club News

by | Jul 28, 2024

We finish our current worship series, Human, on Sunday July 28. Leo Buscaglia’s book Personhood guided along the way.

Our companion book for our new worship series beginning on Sunday, August 4, is The Noticer by Andy Andrews.

Andy Andrews is the author of multiple New York Times bestsellers, including The Travelers Gift and The Noticer. He is also an in-demand speaker, coach, and consultant for the world’s largest organizations. ABC’s Good Morning America featured The Noticer, and this popular book appeared on bestseller lists around the world after being translated into over 40 languages.

The Noticer is a story about common wisdom based on real people. Jones is a mysterious old man who has a knack for showing up in people’s lives at just the right time. Each time, providing priceless lessons about love, life, and the importance of perspective.

The setting is Orange Beach, Alabama. It is an ordinary town filled with ordinary people. Which means like all humans on the planet, they have their share of problems. Ordinary problems like marriages teetering on the brink of divorce, young adults giving up on life, businesspeople on the verge of bankruptcy, as well as the many other obstacles that life seems to dish out to ordinary folks.

Life’s difficulties often seem impossible to overcome. But Jones has a gift for seeing what others miss. This includes the wisdom that there is no such thing as a dead end. More often, problems only take a little perspective in order to recognize the miracles in our moments. Our struggles hide the seeds of greatness.

Jones has a knack for showing up when things look darkest. Jones is a mysterious, elderly man with white hair, always carrying a battered old suitcase. “Your time on this earth is a gift to be used wisely,” he says. “Don’t squander your words or your thoughts. Consider even the simplest action you take, for your lives matter beyond measure…and they matter forever.”

Based on a remarkable true story, The Noticer blends fiction and allegory in an entertaining and inspiring guide for a better way.

We have a limited number of books. But both new and used copies are available through most book retailers and libraries. The price on Amazon as of the publication of this article is $11.49 for a new paperback. Used copies are available for less.

Here is the schedule of chapters for our Decider Series:

August 4 Chapters 1 & 2
August 11 Chapters 3 & 4
August 18 Chapters 5 & 6
August 25 Chapters 7 & 8
September 1 Chapters 9 & 10

Our Book Club does not meet as a group. However, our weekly messages reference that week’s chapters. You can anticipate spoiler alerts unless you keep up with the pace. You can purchase your own copy or visit your local library.

You can contact our office with questions, by phone or simply type your question or enter a prayer request on our website’s homepage —

Pastor Tommy

Andy Andrews. The Noticer: Sometimes, all a person needs is a little perspective. Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2011.

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.