Pastor’s Book Club News

by | Mar 24, 2024

Our companion book for our new worship series, coming in April, is Jeremy Richard Rohr’s insights into the Sermon on the Mount. His book is titled Jesus’ Alternative Plan.

Amazon’s website describes his book this way:

When Jesus talked about the Kingdom of God, he was talking about an utterly different way of relating to human society as we know it. Discover a transformative understanding of faith in Jesus’ Alternative Plan: The Sermon on the Mount by acclaimed spiritual leader and Franciscan priest Richard Rohr. In this updated edition of Jesus’ Plan for a New World, Rohr explores the implications of Christ’s best-known teachings in the Sermon on the Mount, offering a fresh perspective on what it means for Christian life today.

Through his insightful analysis and commentary, Rohr explains the historical and cultural context of each of these Bible verses, shedding light on the revolutionary nature of Jesus’ blueprint for an alternative way of being. From the Beatitudes to overturning conventional wisdom and challenging traditional power structures, this paperback book provides guidance and inspiration for those seeking the true heart of their faith.

The enlightening book offers a new way of understanding and living as a Christian woman or man, according to the teachings of Jesus. Whether you are a long-time follower of Jesus, a knowledge truth seeker, or are just beginning to study his religious sermons, Jesus’ Alternative Plan: The Sermon on the Mount offers a clear yet challenging look at the vision presented by the holy Jesus. Gain a transformative understanding of his preaching and embark on a spiritual journey toward a complete relationship with the Kingdom of God.

We have a limited number of copies of Father Rohr’s book. But copies are available through most book retailers and libraries.

Here is the schedule of chapters for our Revelations Series:

Apr 7 Chapters Intro-1
Apr 14 Chapters 2-3
Apr 21 Chapters 4-5
Apr 28 Chapter 6
May 5 Chapters 7-8
May 12 Chapter 9

Our Book Club does not meet as a group. However, our weekly messages reference that weeks chapters. You can anticipate spoiler alerts unless you keep up with the pace. You can purchase your own copy or visit your local library.

You can contact our office with questions, by phone or simply type your question or enter a prayer request on our website’s homepage —

Pastor Tommy

Richard Rohr. Jesus’ Alternative Plan. Cincinnati: Franciscan Media, 2022.

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.