Life groups questions & notes

by | Aug 11, 2024

The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need.
Psalm 23

Questions for Life Groups

  1. Read Psalm 23. What memories do you have from hearing the Psalm in the past? What images come to mind as you read it? What promises, made by God in this Psalm, create a sense of gratitude in you?
  2. Read this week’s article titled Gratitude. What worries you? Try listing the things you’re grate for? Did this exercise take your mind off your worries for a spell? Consider adopting a spiritual discipline of thankfulness in prayer. Make a daily list if this helps.
  3. How can the members of your group help you this week and on-going to help you to be more receptive to hearing and understanding the Word of God? Pray for each other to have the Holy Spirit bless you with more courage.
A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.