Life groups questions & notes

by | Jun 23, 2024

We will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small.
Genesis 1:20-31

Questions for Life Groups

  1. Read Genesis 1:20-31, Exodus 20:7 and Psalm 91. What parallels can you draw from these three texts? In what ways is Psalm true for you? What does it mean?
  2. Read this week’s articles titled Suffering. In what ways are you or someone close to you suffering? What is the cause of the suffering? Do you feel God’s presence in your suffering? What can you do to take better care of our planet?
  3. How can the members of your group help you this week and on-going to help you to be more receptive to hearing and understanding the Word of God? Pray for each other to have the Holy Spirit bless you with more courage.
A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.