Coming up in Worship

by | Dec 29, 2024

What is the purpose of worship? Have you ever considered this question? I’m sure many of us have at times. Many of us consistently and persistently show up each Sunday. We look forward to seeing familiar faces, even if we don’t really look forward to the effort of getting here.

But that doesn’t answer the question. Familiar faces and feelings are just some of the benefits of our efforts. While these feelings are important, they’re not the reason, are they?

We worship somewhat out of expectation but mostly out of gratitude. God gives us life and offers us eternal peace and joy. Therefore, worship is not a burden or even an expectation. It is simply a gesture, a recognition of our total dependence, and, most of all, a show of affection.

Worship is also a giving or our time, isn’t it? Most of us are so busy that setting aside a couple of hours each week to get to church takes away from other priorities. So, how can we justify this infringement on our time when we’re already maxed out?

Bethlehem in the land of Judah, you are by no means the least of the leading cities of Judah; for from you will come a leader who will guide my people.
Matthew 1:6

Come and see!

We kick off 2025 with a series titled Seconds. The title of our companion book poses the question of what a second is worth. Psychiatrist and writer Dr. Leonid Altshuler, who writes under the pen name Leonid Alt, offers insight from his professional and personal experiences.

We’re doing this series a little differently. Our scripture comes from the Common Lectionary, a weekly schedule of readings for the year published by the World Council of Churches. Each week, consider how Dr. Altshuler’s creative storytelling relates to the gospel selection read by churches around the world.

Here is the outline of our series:

Title Sunday Scripture Reading
Dreams January 5 Matthew 2:1-23 Chapters 1-2
Spirit January 12 Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 Chapters 3-5
Abundance January 19 John 2:1-11 Chapters 6-7
Tempted January 26 Luke 4:4-21 Chapters 8-10

I pray that you will join us each Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. We share our weekly episodes on Facebook and our YouTube channel, and we go live at 10:30 a.m. You can find these links, along with more information about us, or join our live broadcast on our website,

Pastor Tommy


Dr. Leonid Alt. The Price of a Second.© Leonid Alt, 2021.

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.