Coming up in Worship

by | Sep 1, 2024

On the Second Sunday in September, we begin a new series titled Miracles. Our series is based, in part, on a book by Andy Andrews from his Noticer Series, titled Just Jones.

In our last series, we used the first book from the Noticer Series, where Andrews introduced the importance of perspective. While this theme continues in this series, our primary focus is on the miracles performed by Jesus. We hope to gain new perspectives with each miracle we engage.

“Blow the trumpet and sound the alarm,” the Prophet shouts, “The day of the Lord is coming soon!” What follows sounds like a list of campaign promises, too good to be true. However, unlike politicians who say whatever comes to mind that might cause people to like them, every Word from God is truth with impact.

Blow the trumpet and sound the alarm, The day of the Lord is coming soon!
Joel 2:1

God says, “You will know that I am among you and that I, the Lord, am your God and there is no other…I will pour out my Spirit on everyone. Your sons and daughters will proclaim my message. Your old people will have dreams and your young people will see visions.”

We’re not sure just how many miracles Jesus performed. Somewhere around 40 show up in the four gospels, depending on how you count them. But we’re told Jesus performed many more than were recorded.

And Jesus wasn’t finished.

You and I are also equipped for miracles, according to scripture. But if this is true, where are they? Why can’t we stop climate change before it destroys us?

We can! But it takes a movement inspired and led by God’s Spirit.

Here is the outline if you want to read the chapters from our companion book as we progress through our series:

September 8 Chapters 1 to 4
September 15 Chapters 5 to 8
September 22 Chapters 9 to 12
September 29 Chapters 13 to 16
October 4 Chapters 17 to 20
October 11 Chapters 21 to 24
October 18 Chapters 25 to Epilogue

I pray that you will join us each Sunday morning at 10:30 am. We share our weekly episodes on Facebook and our YouTube channel. We go live at 10:30 am. You can find these links along with more information about us, or join our live broadcast on our website at

Pastor Tommy


Andy Andrews. The Noticer: Sometimes, all a person needs is a little perspective. Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2011.

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.