Coming up in Worship

by | May 5, 2024

Beginning the Sunday after Mother’s Day we begin a new series titled Doubt. Our series is based, in large part, on Adam Hamilton’s book with doubt in the title.

Most of us have some doubt about what we claim to believe. Even if we don’t verbalize our doubt, we express it in our decisions and actions. We say we have faith, yet we’re anxious from worry. We say we trust God, and then go to great lengths to show distrust.

Doubt is part of the human condition.

“We want certainty, but God gives us mystery,” writes Adam Hamilton in our companion book for this series, titled Wrestling with Doubt, Finding Faith (see Book Club News). Hamilton argues doubt is both natural and healthy. As long as our d oubt motivates further reflection and a search for truth.

Here is the outline if you want to read the chapters from our companion book as we progress through our series:

May 19 Is there a God? Chapters Intro-1
May 26 The Good Book? Chapter 2
June 2 Are all non-Christians going to hell? Chapter 3
June 9 Is Heaven real? Chapter 4
June 16 When prayers go unanswered Chapter 5
June 23 Why do the innocent suffer? Chapter 6

I pray that you will join us each Sunday morning at 10:30 am. We share our weekly episodes on Facebook and our YouTube channel. We go live at 10:30 am. You can find these links along with more information about us, or join our live broadcast on our website at

Pastor Tommy


Adam Hamilton. Wrestling with Doubt, Finding Faith. Nashville: Abington Press, 2023.

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.