Pastor’s Book Club News

by | Jan 26, 2025

We began 2025 with a worship series titled Seconds. Our last episode is on Sunday, January 26. As our companion book, we used The Price of a Second by Dr. Leonid Altshuler, a board-certified psychiatrist and writer, who writes under the pen name Leonid Alt. Our focus was on cherishing every moment of life and loving others.

We continue 2025 with a devotional book based on the first season of the TV Series The Chosen.

Our companion book for our new series is The Chosen: 40 Days with Jesus, which invites us to encounter Jesus the way his followers did.

The followers of Jesus in the Gospels have a lot in common with us. Like them, we also had a not-so-great “before.” In the Gospels, we meet a brash fisherman, a pious religious leader, and a demon-possessed woman, just to mention a few. We also meet a tax collector who exploits others.

In all cases, Jesus saw beyond their brokenness and offered forgiveness. And this was just the beginning. Jesus transforms the lives of all who follow Him.

Each of the forty devotions offers scripture, a glimpse into a Gospel story, prayer suggestions, and questions that help you deepen your relationship with Christ. You’re invited to see Jesus through the eyes of those who knew him best and explore the backstories of people like Mary Magdalene, Peter, Matthew, Nicodemus, and others.

If you choose to follow along, I suggest beginning day one’s reading the Monday after our current series ends (January 27) and using the following schedule:

Sundays Devotional Readings
February 2 Days 1-7
February 9 Days 8-14
February 16 Days 15-21
February 23 Days 22-28
March 2 Days 29-35
Week of Ash Wednesday Days 36-40

We’ll have a few books available for purchase, copies are available through Amazon or for $6.74 for the paperback edition. The price is $9.99 for the Kindle version.

Our Book Club does not meet as a group. However, our weekly messages reference that week’s chapters. You can anticipate spoiler alerts unless you keep up with the pace. You can purchase your own copy or visit your local library.

You can contact our office with questions by phone or simply type your question or enter a prayer request on our website’s homepage —

Pastor Tommy

Amanda Jenkins, Kristen Hendricks, and Dallas Jenkins. The Chosen: 40 Days with Jesus.© Savage, MN: BroadStreet Publishing, 2019.

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.