Annual UMW Christmas luncheon held in the Fellowship Hall
Boy Scouts Christmas Party
Boy Scouts will be holding their annual Christmas party honoring all who helped and volunteered all year.
Pass out Christmas Baskets
Asbury will be passing our Christmas baskets to our families from Potter School and our Asbury neighbors.
Prepare Christmas Baskets
Asbury will be preparing Christmas baskets to pass out to families from Potter School and our surrounding neighborhood.
Beginners Bible Study
Want to know about the Bible but you feel intimidated by Bible studies where everyone seems to know more than you do? This is your group. This is community event that takes place in the main floor conference room. Ring the door bell at the Office Entrance. Richard...
Beginners Bible Study
Want to know about the Bible but you feel intimidated by Bible studies where everyone seems to know more than you do? This is your group. This is community event that takes place in the main floor conference room. Ring the door bell at the Office Entrance. Richard...
Launching Adult Christian Education Workshop
Could you use some help in making your adult Christian education programming work? Come and gain some tools to help launch or improve existing programs for adults. Anyone interested in working with adult Christian education should plan to attend. There is no charge...
Farm to Table Celebration Dinner
Please RSVP for this special event with the Asbury office or via email at This will be a special dinner for special guests and partner organizations who have supported our community. A dinner will be prepared in the Asbury kitchen by Executive...