
Taking it to the Streets

You don't want to miss Taking it to the Streets this year. In our Asbury neighborhood we have big plans for our community gardens and a new orchard. There will be teams picking up trash, giving away food and water, landscaping and planting gardens & fruit trees,...

Asbury Orchard & Garden Preparation

We will be picking up trash & debris, tilling, drilling, etc. in preparation for Saturday's big day - Taking it to the Streets. We have 40 fruit trees, 18 blueberry bushes and 10 grapevines to plant on Saturday along with loads of vegetables and plants. We will be...

Welcome Reception Picnic

Come and welcome our new District Superintendent, Rev  John Hice, and our new pastors that joined us on July 1.

Church Council

Asbury Church Council members are nominated by the Asbury Lay Leadership Team and affirmed by vote of Asbury members during the Annual Conference in the Fall. A list of Church Council members is available from the church office. You do not have to be a member of...

Church Council Meeting

Asbury Church Council members are nominated by the Asbury Lay Leadership Team and affirmed by vote of Asbury members during the Annual Conference in the Fall. A list of Church Council members is available from the church office. You do not have to be a member of...

Church Council Meeting

Asbury Church Council members are nominated by the Asbury Lay Leadership Team and affirmed by vote of Asbury members during the Annual Conference in the Fall. A list of Church Council members is available from the church office. You do not have to be a member of...

Church Picnic

Come join us at Kearsley Park Pavilion for an outdoor worship service and a picnic.

VCI Team Meeting

We are hoping to have more folks join us for this very important project that will shape Asbury going forward.

VCI Planning Team Meeting

This is an open meeting of persons willing to help guide our implementation of the prescriptions outlined in our Vital Church Initiative Report (contact the office for a copy). This team is looking for more participants.

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.