
Mobile Fresh Produce Giveaway

Come join us as a volunteer at 8:30 am. Come and receive fresh produce at no cost to you what-so-ever at 10:00 am. Each Thursday the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan will deliver produce. We need help sorting and preparing to giveaway all of the produce. If you are...

Fill Thanksgiving Baskets

Volunteers will get together in the Asbury Fellowship Hall to fill up to 20 baskets for families this thanksgiving season.

All Saints Day Celebration

The Asbury community honors those who have passed away during our All Saints Sunday worship services. Please contact our church office if you would like a loved one remembered during our service. We hope that you will join us.

Food Box Giveaway

Food box giveaway starting August 10 through August 24 at 10:00am in parking lot of Asbury

Meet-Up & Eat-Up Lunch

Be our guest for breakfast and lunch at Asbury Monday through Friday at 9-10 am and 12-1 pm.

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.