FLINT, Mich. (WJRT) - An urban farm in Flint is struggling after being hit by vandals multiple times. Excitement was high for the farm when it first took root years ago. “I initially came to Flint for a couple of weeks to see how I could help at the beginning of the...
Asbury News
Mott Foundation grants more than $250,000 to support Flint Help Centers
Flint, Michigan — The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation granted a total of $253,250 to repair and improve parking lots and other infrastructure for Flint’s three Help Centers. The Help Centers, located at Bethel United Methodist Church, Asbury United Methodist Church...
Angel Closet at South Flint Soup Kitchen helps families stay fed and clothed
FLINT, Mich. (WJRT) - The South Flint Soup Kitchen's Angel Closet provides food and clothing for families in need. Senior Program Manager Katelin Maylum talked about how the organization helps people in need. View the full article at abc12.com