Pastor Tommy

Roles: Seed Scatterers

Roles: Seed Scatterers

I’ve noticed our dogs often have little seeds clinging to their fur this time of year. One or more of the plants they came in contact with used them as carriers to scatter their seed to other places and expand their prodigy. We’re all seed scatterers and pollinators...

Life groups questions & notes

Life groups questions & notes

Let us love one another, because love comes from God. Whoever loves is a child of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. 1 John 4:7-12 Questions for Life Groups Read 1 John 4:7-12 and Luke 6:27-28. What does the phrase “God is...

Love: Do unto others

Love: Do unto others

In our last episode, we briefly looked at several world religions. In our abbreviated tour, we discovered a version of the golden rule weaves a common thread among the major world religions, as does a shared idea for what it means to be human. In this episode, we...

Life groups questions & notes

Life groups questions & notes

Which one acted like a neighbor toward the man attacked by the robbers? The one who was kind to him. Go and do the same. Luke 10:25-37 Questions for Life Groups Read Luke 10:25-37. Are you familiar with this story? Any surprises when you read it this time? What stands...

Ways: Like a river

Ways: Like a river

According to the National Geographic Society, “A river is a ribbon-like body of water that flows downhill from the force of gravity.” There are over three million rivers in the world, according to the US Geological Survey. And each river carves its own path towards...

Life groups questions & notes

Life groups questions & notes

Jesus placed His hands on her, and at once she straightened herself up and praised God. Luke 13:10-17 Questions for Life Groups Read Matthew 18:1-7. What child-like attributes do you believe Jesus wants adults to have? Why? Read this week’s article titled Finding...

Finding Nemo: Life’s seasons

Finding Nemo: Life’s seasons

In the beloved animation, Finding Nemo, released by Pixar Animation Studios in 2003, a worried and over-protective father, Marlin, searches for his lost son. As the movie begins, Marlin and his wife, Coral, are anxiously awaiting the hatching of their family. However,...

Life groups questions & notes

Life groups questions & notes

Jesus placed His hands on her, and at once she straightened herself up and praised God. Luke 13:10-17 Questions for Life Groups Read Luke 13:10-17. In what ways can you identify with the bent over woman? The crowds? The officials? Read this week’s article titled...

Seeing Ahead: Bent Over

Seeing Ahead: Bent Over

It can be argued that human motivation to meet needs exists at hierarchical levels of criticality. That is, we must meet our most basic needs at the base of the hierarchy before we’re motivated to pursue needs at a higher level. So if we’re deprived of food, water or...

Coming up in Worship

Coming up in Worship

Next Sunday we begin a new series based, in large part, on Personhood: The Art of Being Fully Human, by Leo Buscaglia, PhD. We often talk about salvation as beginning with spiritual rebirth. More importantly, the results of spiritual rebirth is seen by others as we...

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.