Pastor Tommy

Wisdom: God’s preferences

Wisdom: God’s preferences

Chapter 5, in our companion book, is about wisdom. In particular, the wisdom of choosing a life partner. Jones tells a group of young adults how they can tell a lot about a person by the “leaves” they drop. Jones uses leaf as a metaphor for clues offering insight into...

Life groups questions & notes

Life groups questions & notes

The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need. Psalm 23 Questions for Life Groups Read Psalm 23. What memories do you have from hearing the Psalm in the past? What images come to mind as you read it? What promises, made by God in this Psalm, create a sense of...

Gratitude: Reducing worry

Gratitude: Reducing worry

Walker Miles teetered on an edge between hope and depression. But his hope was nothing more than a chance for happiness. An elusive sense of joy was always beyond Walker’s grasp. His mind filled with worries, Walker’s first wife compared him to Eeyore, the pessimistic...

Coming up in Worship

Coming up in Worship

On the first Sunday in August, we begin a new series titled Perspective. Our series is based, in large part, on a book by Andy Andrews titled The Noticer. Perspective is a theme Andrews weaves throughout his book as his main character, Jones, shares wisdom with the...

Life groups questions & notes

Life groups questions & notes

One thing I do know: I was blind, and now I see. John 9 Questions for Life Groups Read John 9. If you’re familiar with this story you observe anything you hadn’t noticed before? Did your spiritual acuity increase? What helps you to sharpen your spiritual acuity? Read...

Double vision: Spiritual acuity

Double vision: Spiritual acuity

Welcome to episode one of our new series, Perspective, based in large part on The Decider, a book by Andy Andrews. Spoiler alert. Most of you haven’t started reading our companion book just yet, so I’ll summarize the first two chapters. But don’t skip them. The...

Pastor’s Book Club News

Pastor’s Book Club News

We finish our current worship series, Human, on Sunday July 28. Leo Buscaglia’s book Personhood guided along the way. Our companion book for our new worship series beginning on Sunday, August 4, is The Noticer by Andy Andrews. Andy Andrews is the author of multiple...

Life groups questions & notes

Life groups questions & notes

Jesus got up and gave an order to the wind and to the stormy water; they quieted down, and there was a great calm… Who is this man who gives orders to the winds and waves, and they obey him! Luke 8:22-25 Questions for Life Groups Read Luke 8:22-25. What storms do you...

Roles: Seed Scatterers

Roles: Seed Scatterers

I’ve noticed our dogs often have little seeds clinging to their fur this time of year. One or more of the plants they came in contact with used them as carriers to scatter their seed to other places and expand their prodigy. We’re all seed scatterers and pollinators...

Life groups questions & notes

Life groups questions & notes

Let us love one another, because love comes from God. Whoever loves is a child of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. 1 John 4:7-12 Questions for Life Groups Read 1 John 4:7-12 and Luke 6:27-28. What does the phrase “God is...

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.