Pastor Tommy

Abundance: Enough for all

Abundance: Enough for all

As we come to the end of our Miracles Series, we also reach the final chapter and epilogue of our companion book, Just Jones. Our next series, Life, begins the last Sunday in October. In this week’s reading, Ollie’s guilt in pulling off his big prank is about to be...

Pastor’s Book Club News

Pastor’s Book Club News

We finish our current worship series, Miracles, on Sunday, October 20. As our companion book, we used Andrew Andrew’s book Just Jones, a sequel to The Noticer. Feedback on his books was extremely positive. I’m pleased to announce that Following Jesus in a Warming...

Life groups questions & notes

Life groups questions & notes

If you only knew what God gives and who it is that is asking you for a drink, you would ask Him, and He would give you life-giving water. John 4:5-30 Questions for Life Groups Read John 4:5-30. If this is a familiar story, try reading it while looking for something...

Grace: Miracle of belief

Grace: Miracle of belief

In order for an event to be a miracle, according to the Catholic Church, the event must be unusual, instantaneous, spontaneous, and complete. And there must not be a natural explanation. Also, others must see the event, and it must be a mystery that can only be the...

Life groups questions & notes

Life groups questions & notes

They let down their nets and caught such a large number of fish that the nets were about to break. Luke 5:1-11 Questions for Life Groups Read Luke 5:1-11. Try to imagine yourself in the boat that day. How would you feel when Jesus asked you to try fishing again after...

Hot water: Being coffee

Hot water: Being coffee

According to several sources, the expression “hot water” to mean something more than heated water was first used over 500 years ago. No one is certain where the expression came from, but everyone can identify with the idea it conveys. The Grammarist website explains...

Life groups questions & notes

Life groups questions & notes

Because of the crowd, however, they could find no way to take him in. Luke 5:17-25 Questions for Life Groups Read Luke Luke 5:17-25. Have you ever felt like your access to Jesus was blocked by others? Do you know anyone this is happening to now? What can you do to be...

Friends: Common good

Friends: Common good

This past week, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine spoke to the United Nations General Assembly. Currently, there are 193 Member States, plus Vatican City and Palestine, each with a single vote on matters coming before this group, representing nearly every...

Life groups questions & notes

Life groups questions & notes

They found the man from whom the demons had gone out sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind. Luke 8:26-39 Questions for Life Groups Read Luke 8:26-39. What catches your attention the most in this story? Why, do you suppose, is the story about the...

2nd Chance: Voices

2nd Chance: Voices

This week’s reading from our companion book begins with Keely in a courtroom. Keely is alone. Her one phone call to her younger brother reminded her she was on her own. Keely had no close friends or family willing to help her. And she was facing a judge notorious for...

A Community in Love with God, Each Other, and our Neighbors.