Jesus answered, “Go back and tell John what you are hearing and seeing…” Matthew 11:2-6 Questions for Life Groups Read the story of how Jesus answered John’s questions in Matthew 11:2-6. If you want to learn more about John the Baptist do a Google search or keyword...
Pastor Tommy
Waiting: The One
Are you a patient person? Or do you start to fidget when you're waiting, desperately trying to expel nervous energy? Some of us pace when anxious or just move our legs in place. Others simply can't wait and go about doing instead of waiting for someone else to do what...
Life groups questions & notes
Everyone else serves the best wine first, and after the guests have drunk a lot, he serves the ordinary wine. But you have kept the best wine until now! John 2:1-11 Questions for Life Groups Read the story of Jesus turning water into wine in John 2:1-11. As you read...
Overflowing: Wine for everyone
Water is a necessity. Too little water, and we die. Too much water and we also die. And water, for most of us, is so basic that it’s, well, basic. So we add lemon to water. We chill, heat, and add tea leaves or coffee beans to change its flavor and composition. Water...
Life groups questions & notes
They found Jesus in the Temple, sitting among the teachers of Law, discussing deep questions with them and amazing everyone with his understanding and answers. Luke 2:41-52 Questions for Life Groups Read the story of Jesus’ parents finding the boy in the temple...
Missing: Searching for Jesus
Google "How much food should I cater for a wedding?" and you're apt to find a rule known as the the “25 to 50 Rule." This formula suggests feeding 50 to 75 percent of your anticipated guest count. But the answer I discovered also included the disclaimer, "Don't forget...
Life groups questions & notes
Jesus sat down to eat with them, took the bread, and said the blessing; then He broke the bread and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him. Luke 24:13-35 Questions for Life Groups Read the story of two followers leaving Jerusalem after...
Pastor’s Book Club News
The very first Easter marked the beginning of a new era in human history. God chose to live among humans, and, as a result, life would never be the same. We begin a new worship series called Water into Wine in the spirit of new beginnings. Our companion book was...
Coming up in Worship
According to scripture, Mary, the mother of Jesus, attended a wedding in Cana. The guest list was apparently quite long and included Jesus and other friends of the family, relatives, and friends of friends. Weddings lasted multiple days, and the groom was expected to...
Never the same: Quenching our thirst
It is customary during Holy Week to look back at what the first followers of Jesus witnessed. We imagine what it must have been like to see firsthand what appeared to be the end of their hope that Jesus Christ was and is the long-awaited Messiah. After all,...